Monday, January 30, 2012

Stem Cell Research: The Taboo Field

Stem cell research is probably one of Science's morally challenging taboos. Controversies stem (no pun intended) from the embryo dying in the process for medical purposes. Scientists claim that used stem cells can cure many medical problems today, including cancer. Critics claim that it is 'messing' with the normality of human life, others say it is no different from murder.There are laws (varying by states) against stem cell research because of its ethically bashing nature. Scientists that support it reasoned that one life, can save many others. But with this said, many refused to accept this research.


  1. Interesting, how does this relate to your project?

  2. I like this post it is informative and interesting. My personal opinion about stem cell research is that it should not be done because what is the difference between taking a life before or after it is born. The only difference that I can think of is that no one will ever know that person because they are killed before they are even born.
